This website (// and its sub pages) has been produced and operated in accordance with the following terms.
Please confirm the contents of the terms before making use of this website. Although this website has been linked to other websites operated by our group companies and affiliates, each website is operated individually on its own management and terms, therefore please refer to the policies and terms of the corresponding site when it is necessary.
All rights including the rights of the contents posted on this website (including text information, photo images, and all other contents created and edited) belong to ORIX Group and all other copyright holders of this site. Without permission from the copyright holders, it is not permitted to use, reproduce, redistribute, or republish any part of the contents available on this website.
The company names, logos, products, and service names of ORIX Group posted on this website are registered trademarks of ORIX Group. Without permission from the copyright holders, it is not permitted to use, reproduce, redistribute, or republish any part of the contents available on this website.
Link to website
If you wish to add a link to our website on your website, please let us know in advance of your URL, the contents of your website, and the purpose of the link. Adding a link from any site with illegal contents is strictly denied.
●About Disclaimer
Although this website has been carefully prepared based on the information considered reliable, the accuracy of the information provided is not guaranteed. In case of any damage suffered due to particular information posted on this website, ORIX Group assumes no responsibility for the damage.
Also, the contents of this website may be changed or discontinued without notice.
●Use of Cookies
Cookies and web beacons are used on certain pages of this website.
Cookies are small data files that are transmitted through a web browser to the hard disk or memory of a particular customer so that they can be identified.
A web beacon is an object that is embedded in a web page which allows checking that a user has viewed the page. The purpose of using these objects is to provide our customers with better information and services by analyzing the web data.
Cookies or web beacons do not transmit customers' names, addresses, or telephone numbers to ORIX. If you wish to disable the function of these objects on your browser, you may do so by altering your browser settings. Please note, however, that if the function is disabled, you may not be able to use some of our services. In addition, there may be cases that we entrust such analysis to outside agents.
This site makes use of SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) encryption technology. ORIX also uses firewalls to protect information within the ORIX web site, however, please note that we are unable to guarantee a 100% safety of Internet transmission due to the limitation of today's internet technology.
SSL is an encryption technology used to protect transmitted information between customers and ORIX's server. It encodes the exchanged data between customers and ORIX's server. By using this technology, the danger of the third parties attempting to access or alter the transmitted data is greatly reduced.
●Access Log
This website keeps records of visitors in the form of access logs. These logs may be used for statistical analysis, investigation of improvement of the site convenience, and finding causes of system failures or unauthorized access.
They contain accessed visitors' domain names, IP addresses, time and dates, file names, URLs of the original links, web browsers used, and OS names, but do not include personal information of the visitors.
As for linked sites to-or-from our website
We assume no responsibility of the privacy protection and contents of the websites that may have been linked to-or-from our website. Please refer to the policies and terms of the corresponding site in case it is necessary.
●Your PC environment
To browse our website, the following operating systems (OS) and browsers are recommended. However, in case different versions of OS or of amending programs are used, there may occur unexpected browsing problems. This website uses Cookies, SSL, and Java script. In case the use of certain features is found limited, please check your browser settings and see if these functions are [Enabled].
●Renewal of this document
This site policy may be updated. Please check the last modified date below.
Last Updated: July 20, 2010
Please confirm the contents of the terms before making use of this website. Although this website has been linked to other websites operated by our group companies and affiliates, each website is operated individually on its own management and terms, therefore please refer to the policies and terms of the corresponding site when it is necessary.
All rights including the rights of the contents posted on this website (including text information, photo images, and all other contents created and edited) belong to ORIX Group and all other copyright holders of this site. Without permission from the copyright holders, it is not permitted to use, reproduce, redistribute, or republish any part of the contents available on this website.
The company names, logos, products, and service names of ORIX Group posted on this website are registered trademarks of ORIX Group. Without permission from the copyright holders, it is not permitted to use, reproduce, redistribute, or republish any part of the contents available on this website.
Link to website
If you wish to add a link to our website on your website, please let us know in advance of your URL, the contents of your website, and the purpose of the link. Adding a link from any site with illegal contents is strictly denied.
●About Disclaimer
Although this website has been carefully prepared based on the information considered reliable, the accuracy of the information provided is not guaranteed. In case of any damage suffered due to particular information posted on this website, ORIX Group assumes no responsibility for the damage.
Also, the contents of this website may be changed or discontinued without notice.
●Use of Cookies
Cookies and web beacons are used on certain pages of this website.
Cookies are small data files that are transmitted through a web browser to the hard disk or memory of a particular customer so that they can be identified.
A web beacon is an object that is embedded in a web page which allows checking that a user has viewed the page. The purpose of using these objects is to provide our customers with better information and services by analyzing the web data.
Cookies or web beacons do not transmit customers' names, addresses, or telephone numbers to ORIX. If you wish to disable the function of these objects on your browser, you may do so by altering your browser settings. Please note, however, that if the function is disabled, you may not be able to use some of our services. In addition, there may be cases that we entrust such analysis to outside agents.
This site makes use of SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) encryption technology. ORIX also uses firewalls to protect information within the ORIX web site, however, please note that we are unable to guarantee a 100% safety of Internet transmission due to the limitation of today's internet technology.
SSL is an encryption technology used to protect transmitted information between customers and ORIX's server. It encodes the exchanged data between customers and ORIX's server. By using this technology, the danger of the third parties attempting to access or alter the transmitted data is greatly reduced.
●Access Log
This website keeps records of visitors in the form of access logs. These logs may be used for statistical analysis, investigation of improvement of the site convenience, and finding causes of system failures or unauthorized access.
They contain accessed visitors' domain names, IP addresses, time and dates, file names, URLs of the original links, web browsers used, and OS names, but do not include personal information of the visitors.
As for linked sites to-or-from our website
We assume no responsibility of the privacy protection and contents of the websites that may have been linked to-or-from our website. Please refer to the policies and terms of the corresponding site in case it is necessary.
●Your PC environment
To browse our website, the following operating systems (OS) and browsers are recommended. However, in case different versions of OS or of amending programs are used, there may occur unexpected browsing problems. This website uses Cookies, SSL, and Java script. In case the use of certain features is found limited, please check your browser settings and see if these functions are [Enabled].
●Renewal of this document
This site policy may be updated. Please check the last modified date below.
Last Updated: July 20, 2010